l to r, Dave Buckingham, Ryan Bilby, Mark Brooke, Mark Green and Stanley Johnson

Wednesday, August 31, 2011


Check out the awesome cruise we will be going on in February!

I have been on a couple of cruises and let me tell you they are a lot of fun, but as you will see in the video below one of the best parts of the cruise (for most people) is the food! The people on these cruises wait on you hand and foot and the food is not pizza and hamburgers (although they have that if you want it) I'm talking prime rib and lobster here, they also have a 24 hour ice cream bar and 24 hour room service! Not to mention you will be traveling to some of the most beautiful places God ever created. This cruise is going to be great, if you think Forgiven QT is fun on stage come spend 5 days on a boat in the middle of the ocean with us.

If you would like more information please visit and make sure you tell them you heard about the cruise through Forgiven QT.

We are personally inviting you to come with us on this great cruise.

God Bless